Multiple Intelligences Scale
- Description
The test measures nine multiple intelligences, it provides some flexible ways in education, as adapting activities of the classroom with to individual students' needs, interests and strengths will create a strong push for success. It measures key areas that help the teacher to identify types of intelligences within the class. Also help to better understand students and distinguish between their different abilities to understand information. It helps in explaining some behaviors clearly.
More Info
Multiple Intelligences Scale Report
Amount 1
Multiple Intelligences Scale Report
Amount 10
- Purpose
- Scoring
- main domains
- Category
- Age
- Admin - time
- Administration Language:
- Report language:
- Test language
- Availability
To assess multiple intelligences
Directly after finishing administration
The test consists of 9 basic domains: verbal intelligence, mathematical intelligence, musical intelligence, visual intelligence, motor intelligence, personal intelligence, social intelligence, natural intelligence, and existential intelligence.
Intelligence Tests
13 - 80
Arabic / English
Arabic / English
Arabic / English
- Publisher
- Author
Arab Corporation for Preparing, Standardizing and Publishing Psychological Tests
Dr. Abdelmawgoud Abdelsamea